Workshop |
"Flier Art"
You don’t have to travel to visit a museum to appreciate artworks: "FLYER ART" will be delivered to you and you can taste them in your living room (also dining room!) Children began the creative process by visiting four shopping arcades in Aomori City (it is the seat of the prefecture government of Aomori) then interviewed store managers and workers there. And children created relief prints on the basis of their conversation. Four prints were laid out on the A3 (11”X 7”) sized-leaflet that both sides are the colors then it (the leaflet) became "FLYER ART" work and actually the artworks which were printed and inserted in newspapers. And "FLYER ART" were delivered to about 22,000 households around the area where children lives. Together with the relief prints, the inserts had on them a date and time for various art service; creative activities that would be offered by the kids to everyone who had decided to visit the stores. The initial interviews and research done at the stores were the inspiration for the art services, through which participants mingled and made friends. Many people who saw their "FLYER ART" From participants’ voice: It was great experience. I had a lot of fun to make conversation with many people. I also had fun making art present for art service, having interview to owners of stores, engraving a block print. And I got some new friends. It was very nice we did this activity freely. I want to participate this next year again! (6th grade student) 本物の美術作品を見るためにわざわざ美術館まで行かなくても、お茶の間にアート作品が宅配されます。 子ども達が青森市にある4つの商店街を取材し、お店の人との対話をもとに版画をつくりました。4枚の版画はA3判のサイズの両面カラーのちらしにレイアウトされ「おりこみアート」作品となり、実際に印刷され新聞に折り込まれ子ども達の居住区域を中心に約2万2千世帯のお茶の間に配布されました。この「おりこみアート」には子ども達が考えたアートサービスも添えられ、作品を目にした多くの人達が各商店を訪れ、さまざまな出会いが生まれました。また、こどもたちが制作した「おりこみアート」のほかにも、いいじま本人によるアート作品も一緒に折り込まれました。これはそのまま額にいれて飾れる版画作品でした。 アンケートより:●「すごくいい体験になったと思う。いろんな人と話をしたりできたからすごくおもしろかった。それにプレゼント作りとか、お店にインタビューしに行ったりとか、版画をほってちらしをつくっていい思い出になった。それに新しい友達も出来た。自由にやれたのがよかった。来年もあったらやりたい!」小学六年生 参加人数:19人(幼稚園生-高校生) |
作品 / Artwork |